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Offres de Thèse & Post-doc

Image : LoggaWiggler (Pixabay)

Offres de Thèse

• L’équipe VirPath recherche un/une candidat(e) pour postuler pour un sujet de thèse, intitulé « Etude des co-infections bactéries et influenza/bactéries dans le contexte de pathologies respiratoires chroniques ». Ce projet sera réalisé au sein de deux équipes du Centre International de recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI, Lyon), et sera rattaché à l’école doctorale E2M2. Ce projet a pour objectif d’enrichir nos connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires mis en jeu lors des infections et co-infections des épithéliums pulmonaires. Pour cela, nous comparerons différents scenarios de co-infection de l’épithélium respiratoire dans différents contextes (physiologiques/pathologiques) et étudierons les interactions fonctionnelles entre pathogènes, ainsi que les voies et les facteurs de l’hôte impliqués dans la pathogenèse.

• The ENVT team is looking for a PhD candidate on the following topic: “Interactions between respiratory co-infecting pathogens in cattle: impact on pathogens evolution and bovine respiratory disease complex severity”

Supervisors: Mariette Ducatez and Gilles Meyer

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Offre de Post-Doc

Postdoctoral position in phylodynamics

Anses (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety), Ploufragan Laboratory (National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory)

Duration: 18 months (expected to start on January-February 2020)

Position: postdoctoral position

Location: Ploufragan, France

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled (preference to applications received before May 20, 2019)

Salary: €30 000-€35 000 per year commensurate based on experience

Job Description

The French national avian influenza reference laboratory and the unit of epidemiology, health and welfare of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (Anses) laboratory located in Ploufragan are seeking a motivated postdoctoral fellow to work on avian influenza phylodynamics.

The research will focus on developing a model combining phylogenetic and epidemiological data from highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 clade epidemics in France in 2016-2017, that will unravel transmission tree, identify the epidemics’ determinants (production or movement network, geographic distance, specie, production system, etc.) and will contribute to the transmission parameters’ estimation. The position will be located within the Anses team including epidemiologists, mathematical modeller, and virologists. The research will be conducted in the framework of a project about molecular predicators and transmission dynamics of avian influenza viruses in collaboration with the French national veterinary school of Toulouse and the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).

The candidate is expected to have expertise in the areas of infectious disease modelling, Bayesian phylogenetic inference, phylodynamics and reconstruction of transmission trees. The candidate should be familiar with using R software. Personal skills working within a team and ability in academic writing and oral communication are required. Experience with phylogeography and knowledge of the software package BEAST would be a plus.

Contact Information:

Axelle SCOIZEC and François-Xavier BRIAND :,


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